Edible Adamsdown Seedling Swap


There are some events I get invited to where I have to double check I’ve heard correctly. ‘Sorry, you want me to go to a what?’

That was possibly the reaction I had when Becca from Edible Adamsdown Community Garden first invited me to their seedling swap (and I apologise to Becca if it was). However, I can honestly say that the event is a brilliant idea and really good fun.

As many of you who read my blog regularly will know, I volunteer in Plasnewydd Community Garden in Cardiff. This is a good point in this post to shamelessly plug the new blog that we have created for the garden, and please click the link and follow us if you feel so inclined to do so. If you do take the time to read the garden blog, you will now also know that we haven’t had the greatest of starts to the growing season this year. Out of all the human errors and natural disasters that I fear may dramatically affect our food supplies, I didn’t expect ants to have such an impact. They have taken over all our raised beds, and are systematically eating everything that we plant. Which is why the seedling swap was the perfect solution to our critter problem.

The way the swap works is simple. Each person brings along surplus seedlings from their garden, they all get displayed together, and then you take other people’s seedlings that you need. Or, if you don’t have anything to swap, you can give a donation instead.


I must admit, I did feel a bit inadequate when I filled our box up ready to take to the event. All we could muster was a few strawberry plants and some trays of sweet Williams from last year that were looking a little worse for wear. I needn’t have worried, though. The sweet Williams were a huge success, especially when I told people they are perfect for filling in gaps in any garden. And we are one step closer to taking over Cardiff with Plasnewydd Garden strawberries (our strawberries have a well-known history of growing shoots and replanting themselves at an alarming speed).

And what did I get in return? Some purple sprouting broccoli (which was already so healthy I transplanted it straight into the brassicas bed), cauliflower, pak choi and a pepper. Cauliflowers because we’ve never been able to grow them at Plasnewydd for some unknown reason, and the pak choi and the pepper as a bit of an experiment for future seasons.

Josh from the Real Junk Food Project was also there to fuel everyone, and there were a lot of people for him to feed. Aside from the seedlings, it was great to catch up with people, meet other gardeners and swap tips.


Fruit Pruning



In previous years, I have challenged myself to try at least one new activity. This year, I have challenged myself to try 12 new activities, one for each month. Some activities are extreme and adrenalin-fuelled, some come under the banner of arts and crafts and some… Well, let’s just say I’m learning things I never thought I would.

For the past few years, I have been volunteering in Plasnewydd Community Garden in Cardiff. Initially I just wanted to have a go at growing vegetables, but I have gathered such a massive amount of knowledge since I’ve been there that I feel I can now call myself a gardener. Working in the garden has led me to pick up skills I never knew I would need in life – like when I learnt how to scythe back in 2014.

Pruning the fruit trees and bushes is something that has been on our ‘to do’ list all winter. The only problem was, none of us really knew much about pruning. So, when another local garden invited me along to a fruit pruning workshop, I jumped at the chance. Armed with my new pruning shears, I braved the cold, wind and rain to learn all I could about raspberries, apples, pears, blackcurrants, gooseberries, grapes and more. By the end of the two hours we were all so cold that no-one could move their hands enough to operate the shears, but we had a lot of fun and learned a lot. Plus, we also got to use loppers and a saw, which is always satisfying.

Fruit trees and bushes of Plasnewydd – watch out!

It Must Be Courgette Season Again!


We had a bumper crop of courgettes at Plasnewydd Community Garden this weekend:


After what felt like weeks of eating only courgettes last summer, I didn’t think I could come up with a new recipe involving them. However, using some vegan pesto, mushrooms, olives and gnocchi, ta daaaaaa…


Travel theme: Bountiful

When I read that Ailsa’s travel theme this week is Bountiful, I immediately thought of our little community garden. OK, we may not be feeding the entire neighbourhood just yet, but we have seen some pretty good harvests for a previous piece of waste ground run by volunteers.

Click here to see more entries from this week’s travel theme.

Travel theme: Gardens

I couldn’t let this week’s travel theme go by without sharing some photos of the community garden where I volunteer here in Cardiff. It may not be the prettiest garden in the city, or the most organised. We’re not even sure what everything is that grows there. But it’s our little piece of paradise…

Click here to see more entries from this week’s travel theme.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Community

I thought I’d use this week’s photo challenge as an opportunity to share some photos from our lovely Plasnewydd Community Garden, right in the middle of Cardiff city. It’s not very big, and there’s not much going on in the garden at this time of year, but we manage to grow an impressive array of fruits and vegetables and some beautiful flowers.

The community garden is a great place to talk to different people from the neighbourhood and make new friends whilst getting a good outdoor workout and learning something new.

If you don’t already have one, I would definitely recommend starting up a community garden in your local neighbourhood.

Click here to see other entries from this week’s photo challenge.